Expanding The Narrative Of Hispanic Culture In Wine, Coast To Coast
Two local perspectives of Hispanic culture in wine, one from each coast of the United States, stood out to me this year, both in terms of the wines themselves and the manner in which they expand the narrative of Spanish speakers in the industry. They’ve been on my mind particularly as we head into the end of the year and the holiday season.
First, on the east coast, I recently revisited a selection of wines from the Rivero González family’s RGNY project on the North Fork of Long Island. As I searched for unusual contributions to bring to our Thanksgiving holiday table, preferably a textural white wine that adds to the conversation as well as the meal, I was drawn to RGNY’s 2018 Viognier both for its versatile characteristics in the glass (to me it managed to balance baked yellow apple as well as bright citrus and pineapple) as well as for its narrative.
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